Are succulent plants Poisonous to cats

Are succulent plants Poisonous to cats?

In this essay we had answer the question, are succulent plan 
poisonous to cats or not? And how to give treatment to pets ?but first what we mean by succulent plant?

Succulent plants are moist plants that store water in carrots and leaves so that they can cope with drought and harsh soil conditions. Exemplary include prickly pear, cactus, and agave. 

It may also be called fleshy plants in relation to their thick leaves filled with water, which grow and give different shapes. Succulent plants are toxic to cats and dogs. 

Succulents are used for ornamental purposes, and this is because of their various shapes, which make people prefer to enrich them.

The difference between succulents and aloe vera: 

People may confuse between these two types of plants due to the similarity in growing conditions and the way they grow and care, but they are completely different.

“ Not every cactus is succulent “ 

Aloe vera contains many thorns and an axial thorn surrounded by bristles. Otherwise, it is succulent. 

Types of succulents:

To give a clear answer if are succulents plant poisonous to cats we have to know som kinds of succulents plant. 

Ø Echeveria Echeveria 

It is the most famous type of succulent, of Mexican origin. 

The ischemia takes the form of a rose, as it has 150 types and a number of colors and shapes. 

Ø Sedum 

It is characterized by cylindrical grains of meat and abundant number, 

It has 300 species, varying in shape and color between red and blue and many, many more 

Sedum is a creeping succulent plant because it has short legs and a slouchy shape. 

Ø Crassula Capitella 

Money tree, one succulent plant that moderate amount of watering and light is required. This type of plant is vastly available in South Africa. 

As it coexists with different climatic conditions but prefers a warm environment, this succulent plant has the ability to withstand cold climates. 

The plant contains 300 other species, among which are the Cressola trees, the beautiful Cressola plant in beautiful pink colors, and the White Cressola plant. 

Ø aeonium arboreum 

ions with a deep blackish-purple color, 

It consists of long stems, numerous leaves that resemble roses, and resemble the eschiria, but its leaves are thinner. 

But despite these beautiful types used in home decoration, succulent plants are toxic to cats and dogs and should be kept away. 

Here are some kinds of succulents that are toxic,poisonous to cats: 

People may do not know which succulent are poisonous to cats , here are the types poisonous to cats: 

Aloe vera: 

is distinguished by its long flowers and this type is used in medical and cosmetic treatments such as increased hair growth, burns, and a nutritional supplement, but it is toxic to your pet because it contains saponins that cause laziness and vomiting for cats and dogs. 


This species contains multicolored flowers that include orange and pink. 

It has a number of names such as the tongue of the devil and the tongue of mother in law. 

Chewing this plant causes diarrhea, vomiting, and an irregular heartbeat. If you have this plant and have experienced previous symptoms, contact the vet immediately. 


Another type of toxic, low-growth, and extreme succulent plant. 

The symptoms of poisoning from it are digestive disorders and irritation of the skin and eyes, the most dangerous type of which is the toxic poinsettia. 


Jade, with its thick wooden legs and full white leaves, is a succulent variety available and easy to grow. Eating jade causes inconsistency to your pet. 

The other succulents are not toxic to cats or dogs. 

How to protect, and keep cats away from poisonous succulents?? 

Getting information about non-toxic and toxic species and avoid keeping them at home. 

But take your guards out of non-toxic plants, as they may cause digestive problems if ingested in large quantities. 

Knowing in advance the types of houseplants and determining their toxicity is very useful in case your pet is exposed to any problems. 

Present to your cat a toy to play with. 

Make a sprayer of water and lemon juice to prevent the cats from approaching the plant. 

Sprinkling hot peppers at the base of the succulents keep cats away from the succulents. 

Collect aloe vera and succulents in one container. 

When your cat or dog is exposed to these poisonous plants, do not hesitate to contact the veterinarian and take a complete medical record of your animal, to help the doctor analyze the plant's toxicity, the animal's physical functions, the type of treatment appropriate and whether your pet needs to stay in the hospital or not.
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