“Stop fondling me so I don't reach orgasm” ... when a woman is experiencing an early orgasm

Stop fondling me so I don't reach orgasm ... when a woman is experiencing an early orgasm

when a woman is experiencing an early orgasm. Htrashat

when a woman is experiencing an early orgasm

I am a young woman of 32 years old. Married, I have two children. I reach an orgasm very quickly, especially when there is contact with my clitoris. Once I reach orgasm, continuing the sexual process to help my husband is like feeling rape ... This worries me because my husband enjoys having sex with me, and he's happy to have orgasm at least twice some nights. I like oral sex but I don't allow my husband to do it, because that will make me orgasm within five minutes. "

Through what this young woman, a psychotherapist specializing in sexual disorders, Pamela Stephenson Connolly, said in the British Guardian newspaper, it is clear that this young woman suffers from an early orgasm, which makes her unable to satisfy her partner in bed and satisfy his sexual desires.

The premature orgasm has always been confined to the world of men. Premature ejaculation is an obsession for many of them, and it negatively affects their view of the sexual process and undermines their self-confidence, but it seems that women in turn may experience a similar situation, so what is the early orgasm in females?

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Common problem

Female sexual dysfunction has not received as much attention as it did in males, and premature orgasm is no exception, while premature ejaculation in men is classified as an official sexual dysfunction, in the definitive psychiatrist's reference the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental (DSM) Health, there is no such category for premature orgasm in women.

when a woman is experiencing an early orgasm. Htrashat
when a woman is experiencing an early orgasm

In fact, early orgasm in women can be defined as the state in which a woman reaches orgasm very quickly during sexual intercourse, and sometimes women may experience "orgasm" during foreplay or when starting the penetration process.

Despite the "blackout" that surrounds it, premature orgasm appears to be common in women. A study conducted by Magalhães Lemos Hospital in Portugal on 510 Portuguese women, aged between 18 and 45 years, revealed that many women face the same sexual difficulties that Men suffer from it.

Premature orgasm in women is the state in which a woman reaches orgasm very quickly during sexual intercourse, and sometimes women may experience "orgasm" during foreplay or when starting the process of penetration.

Based on the survey conducted by the hospital, which included several questions related to the number of times an immature orgasm occurs, women's feelings of loss of control when orgasm occurs, their feelings of distress about it, and the extent of satisfaction with the sexual relationship, 40% of women admitted that they had reached an orgasm. During early sexual intercourse, while 3% of them revealed that this problem is chronic for them, and women who experience premature orgasm considered that losing control over the timing of orgasm is a frustrating issue for them.

The author of the study, psychologist and sexual relations specialist Seraphim Carvalho, explained to Vice that the usual state of early female orgasm includes unwanted orgasms accompanied by negative feelings, indicating that the decision to stop the sexual process due to premature orgasm can result from mental panic. Or physical discomfort.

In the journal Sexology, Carvalho writes: “Some women can completely control their orgasm. On the other hand, there is a group of women who have admitted that they are unable to control the moment of orgasm, so that it occurs very early during intercourse, which leads to discomfort. Whether it is on a personal level or for the two partners. "

Guilt and frustration

While most people consider that a woman's reaching orgasm so quickly is a "blessing" and evidence of her enjoyment of the sexual process, this subject constitutes for some women a source of embarrassment and inconvenience, especially since after reaching an orgasm, the woman finds great difficulty in following the sexual process , Due to the change in her mood and the decrease in her sexual desire, which negatively affects the partner and misses the opportunity for the couple to reach a mutual orgasm.

It is noteworthy that the feeling of guilt experienced by a woman experiencing an early orgasm is exactly the same as what a man feels during premature ejaculation, according to what was confirmed by Live Science, based on what one woman said about her personal experience:

"I feel like a man does when he has premature ejaculation and I don't see any difference. I finish very quickly, while my partner doesn't get any chance to complete, and this is starting to bother me," she added, adding, "Once I reach orgasm, I find it uncomfortable continuing My mood changes and my partner ends up upset. "

But what are the reasons behind a premature female orgasm and how can this problem be overcome?

In his interview with Rassef22, sexual relations specialist Anthony Hakim explained that early female orgasm is still considered a "taboo" in many societies, so that women who suffer from this problem prefer to cover up this sensitive issue for fear of prejudice and criticism.

Hakim pointed out that when talking about premature orgasm, it is important in the first place to determine the cause of the problem: “We ask the woman to go to her gynecologist to do the Pelvic Exam (pelvic exam) and other tests, and if it turns out that there is no problem. 

Medical, then we begin to search for other reasons that may lead to this condition, such as the abuse of some types of drugs, especially those that make a person feel Euphoria (euphoria), "This is Anthony and it is likely that the problem of premature orgasm sometimes is due to the absence of sexual education in the woman:" It is important to ask her some questions to clarify her knowledge of sexual issues and her expectations of a sexual relationship, in addition to the importance of getting acquainted with her previous sexual experiences, "he said.

As for the practical means that can control the orgasm, Anthony Hakim explained that masturbation may help a woman determine the level of arousal during masturbation, and train herself to control the lengthening of the period before orgasm, in addition to the possibility of the two partners resorting to Sensate focus technology . 

A technology launched by the Masters and Jenson team, that allows the individual to recognize the potentials of pleasure in his body and in the body of his partner, making the sexual relationship more fulfilling for both parties.

After reaching an orgasm, the woman finds it very difficult to follow the sexual process, due to the change in her mood and the decrease in her sexual desire, which negatively affects the partner and misses the opportunity for the couple to reach the mutual sexual orgasm

when a woman is experiencing an early orgasm. Htrashat

In turn, writer Jamil Taylor revealed in an article on ezinearticles that premature orgasm in females may be caused by excessive sensitivity of the sexual organs, fluctuation of hormones, the effect of the menstrual cycle, blood vessel flow problems or some hormonal drugs, indicating that there are few studies. About premature female orgasm makes it difficult to find what is causing this problem.

  • There is no doubt that having intense and vigorous sex leads to a rapid orgasm, so slowing down the frequency of intercourse may help solve the problem of early female orgasm.
  •  If the woman reaches orgasm early in foreplay, the solution is to reduce the period of foreplay, knowing that this method is not easy for people who consider foreplay to be the best part of the sexual experience.
  • Similar to what happens to men, the practice of masturbation before sexual intercourse may help delay the second orgasm, and although this step may seem "selfish" to some, given that a person satisfies himself first, resorting to this method It may be useful to save the sexual relationship between the two partners.
  • In order to solve the problem of premature ejaculation, some men use creams that reduce the sensitivity of the genitals, and therefore women who suffer from premature ejaculation can use such creams to get a similar result.

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